COMING SOON - at the Carriage House!
Witness for the Prosecution
by Agatha Christie
Directed by Gary McCormick
Mystery / PG
March 6-9, 14-16, & 20*-23, 2025
8pm Thursday-Saturday / 2:30pm Sunday
Tickets: / 859.257.4929
$25 General Admission / $15 Students (before processing fees)
Leonard Vole stands accused of murdering a rich widow. The stakes are high with shocking witness testimony, impassioned outbursts from the dock, and a young man’s fight to escape the hangman’s noose. Generally regarded as one of Christie’s most accomplished plays, this suspenseful thriller keeps audiences guessing until the very end.
Forest Loeffler
Joanna Murdock
Alan Brown
Alison McReynolds
James Williams
Darius Fatemi
Sharon Sikorski
Walter Eng
Brett Ervin
Jacob Jones
Darren Mathews
Patrick Seggebruch
Ted Daniels
Elizabeth Loeffler
*March 20 is a Pay-What-You-Will Performance. Tickets are available on a first-come, first-served basis. The box office at the Carriage House opens at 7:00pm. Proceeds from this performance will benefit the actors and crew of Witness for the Prosecution
Director: Gary McCormick
Stage Manager: Barbara Clifton
Asst Stage Manager: Alice Jones
Producers: Ellen Hellard and Bob Singleton
Lights: Lynda Matusek
Lighting Assistant: Carrie Cox
Sound: Rob Maddox
Costumes/Wardrobe: Ellen Hellard, Terri Weaver
Properties: Barbara Clifton
Scenic Painting: Kat Collins
Set Design: Dwight Kelley and Bob Kinstle
Set Construction: Adam Sovkoplas
Video Promo/Production: Kody Kiser