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Coming Soon


- pull something from David's letter re: subscribers?

Something about starting with our longest-running show (KATHRYN'S TEXT?)

Our 2021/2022 Season: LINK TO SEASON PAGE

? Individual ticket sales: Begin September 1, see our box office page for more info:LINK TO BOX OFFICE PAGE

Keep an eye on this page for more information and updates! In the meantime, take a look at the first edition of our monthly (more-or-less) NEWSLETTER (link to pdf of Newsletter)

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Our friend Jim "Jim D" Daugherty, longtime box office manager (and more) for Studio Players, passed away in October of 2020. Studio’s Board of Directors recently voted to plant a tree in Jim’s memory next to the Carriage House, and it now grows outside the windows – where it can always keep an eye on us.


Jim D was the friendly face of Studio for so many people, greeting
patrons as they picked up tickets on the way in to the shows. A beloved,
devoted, and long-time member of the Studio Players family, Jim’s
imprint runs deep and his welcoming presence will remain part of
the Carriage House. We are grateful for the chance to know and work
with him, and we're glad to always have this reminder of him just
outside. The show must go on, and he
will always be with us as it does,
never forgotten.

Strike your harps you happy gang,

who now stand at Heaven's door,

cymbals and drums loudly bang,

dancing on that golden floor.

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July 29, 30, & 31, 2021


The Carriage House Theatre is located at 154 W. Bell Ct.
For driving directions, click here.

We accept all major credit cards at the box office, as well as cash or check.

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